Baby's first snow, cozy family portraits at home in Philly, Philadelphia Baby Photographer
The first snow in Philly is exciting, but it takes on a special feeling when you have a new baby. Of course you never know what the weather is going to do, but once mom and I saw what was in the forecast, we were both looking forward to documenting her little one's first experience with snow. Mom was actually a prenatal student of mine at Mama's Wellness Joint. After getting to know her in my class every week, watching her get closer and closer to becoming a mother, I just couldn't wait to come meet her sweet little boy.First we had to spend some time inside where it was warm and cozy, watching the snow from the window. This kid was so happy, and interested in what was going on. Not to mention those ridiculous ice blue eyes, and the chubbiest knees I've ever seen! We ended up with so many photos of them squeezing his delicious legs! And when he was left with a lipstick kiss on his cheek from mommy, it just took the cuteness over the top.After lots of tickling and snuggling with this little dude in just a diaper, mom and dad teamed up to get him dressed. Such a seemingly banal thing, it happens so many times a day for new parents, but it was one of my favorite parts of our time together. With their son draped across both laps, mom trying to get those darn buttons closed, and dad singing Itsy Bitsy Spider to keep the baby distracted. How wonderful to be able to show him that moment when he's grown, and maybe wrestling his own baby into clothing.Finally, it was time to head outside. It looked like we might be getting into cranky time, but as soon as we got out in the snow, he perked right up! The snow was falling in the most perfect, big flakes. The look on baby's face, watching the snow come down, landing on his rosy cheeks and in mom's gorgeous black hair, it was magical.One of the best parts about having kids is that they force you to stop and notice the amazing things around you that you've probably started taking for granted. Like a cozy day inside, and a beautiful first snow.